If you are reading this you probably know me so I'm not going to take a lot of time to introduce myself. But why become a blogger? Because through the magic of Facebook I've realized that there are so many of you out there that I want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with, and discuss life, the universe, and everything with. It's the e-quivalence of the Christmas letter only now I can do updates!
I named the site "breitsprecher" for obvious reasons. I shouldn't forget it, but I wouldn't put it past me. Plus the fact that it translates as "broad speaker" and that's what I intend to do here. I'll write about whatever comes my way and what is on my mind and that could be just about anything. I named the blog "And How Are You?" because that is the question at the end of every entry. Think of this as a very slow conversation. Kinda like the way my dad saw libraries as being very slow computers.
I'm sorry that I can be hard to stay in touch with. I'm not much of a phoner because I fear not really having anything to say, I guess. This way I can be thought-full, and I LOVE having the opportunity to edit.
I hope this finds everybody I know and love in a good place.