Friday, March 20, 2020

Keep On the Sunny Side!

Something really weird happened this morning.  It was sunny and warm.

Those of you who live in Northern Ohio know what I mean.  Lately it seems like if it's sunny it's cold, and if it's warm it's rainy.  I think yesterday was the warmest day we've had, but it rained enough to flood our yard

This is the thing that has been really frustrating.   I know that going outside is probably the best thing we can be doing - getting sunshine, exercise - but it's either in the 40's with biting winds or rainy which turns all of the green spaces into mud pits.

This morning the sun was shining and when I opened my door it was warm!  Since my hip joints have been screaming at me because of all the sitting I've been doing, I decided to go for it.  I took a walk!  It has made all the difference.

For one thing it gave me a tremendous sense of normalcy.  There were other people!  People out with dogs, a mom with her toddler in a stroller, joggers...we gave each other wide berth, and I'm sure I was probably a little too excited to greet strangers, but it felt like a normal day.  I wasn't sealed in my hermetic bubble.  Life was going on!  Work guys were working on some utility pipes (not requiring them to be close together, I guess), cars went by with people in them...people who were going somewhere!  OK, maybe WalMart to get more toilet paper, but still.

On a whim, before I left the house I washed my hands thoroughly and grabbed some money off my dresser.  My walk took me past the Oberlin Kitchen and I went in to get a cup of coffee.  It's still open for carryout/delivery.  I threw away my creamer containers myself and didn't use any silverware.  It was just me, my manager, and the usual cook, and we just talked.  We didn't stand near each other, but we talked and laughed.  I'm taking a hiatus from serving til I go 2 weeks without a fever and I only have about 5 days left.  I've also decided to defer to people who need money more than I do.   It was just a joy to see people I know and love.  Of course one guy with a mask and blue latex gloves did give me the stink-eye when he came in for his to-go order, but I just backed away until I was safely across the room.  Threw away my own coffee cup so no one else needed to touch it.  I maintained a distance from the counters and tables.  It was a joy to be back.

Spring is coming whether we can see it or not.  Crocuses are popping out everywhere and the daffodils are budding but being quite sensible in taking their time to open.

Even as I write this the clouds are rolling back in, and the temperature is steadily dropping.  But now I know that the world still exists, and we're all in this bad sci-fi movie together.  And there are flowers, and great big puddles, and it's all beautiful.

That's my report for the day...and how are you?

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